/* * 字符串混淆解密函数,将char[] 形式字符数组和 aa异或运算揭秘 * 如果没有经过混淆,请关闭宏开关 */ extern char* decryptConstString(char* string) { char* origin_string = string; while(*string) { *string ^= 0xAA; string++; } return origin_string; } //字符串混淆加密 和 解密的宏开关 #define ggh_confusion #ifdef ggh_confusion #define confusion_NSSTRING(string) [NSString stringWithUTF8String:decryptConstString(string)] #define confusion_CSTRING(string) decryptConstString(string) #else #define confusion_NSSTRING(string) @string #define confusion_CSTRING(string) string #endif
confusion_NSSTRING(string) confusion_CSTRING(string)
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding=utf8 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 本脚本用于对源代码中的字符串进行加密 # 替换所有字符串常量为加密的char数组,形式((char[]){1, 2, 3, 0}) import importlib import os import re import sys # 替换字符串为((char[]){1, 2, 3, 0})的形式,同时让每个字节与0xAA异或进行加密 def replace(match): string = match.group(2) + '\x00' replaced_string = '((char []) {' + ', '.join(["%i" % ((ord(c) ^ 0xAA) if c != '\0' else 0) for c in list(string)]) + '})' return match.group(1) + replaced_string + match.group(3) # 修改源代码,加入字符串加密的函数 def obfuscate(file): with open(file, 'r') as f: code = f.read() f.close() code = re.sub(r'(confusion_NSSTRING\(|confusion_CSTRING\()"(.*?)"(\))', replace, code) code = re.sub(r'//#define ggh_confusion', '#define ggh_confusion', code) with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write(code) f.close() #读取源码路径下的所有.h和.m 文件 def openSrcFile(path): print("开始处理路径: "+ path +" 下的所有.h和.m文件") # this folder is custom for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(path): #case 1: # for dirname in dirnames: # print((" parent folder is:" + parent).encode('utf-8')) # print((" dirname is:" + dirname).encode('utf-8')) #case 2 for filename in filenames: extendedName = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(parent,filename)) if (extendedName[1] == '.h' or extendedName[1] == '.m'): print("处理源代码文件: "+ os.path.join(parent,filename)) obfuscate(os.path.join(parent,filename)) #源码路径 srcPath = '../BMIFastDFS/Classes' if __name__ == '__main__': print("本脚本用于对源代码中被标记的字符串进行加密") if len(srcPath) > 0: openSrcFile(srcPath) else: print("请输入正确的源代码路径") sys.exit()
python3 confusion.py
就可以对下面的代码中标记过的字符串加密。 -
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding=utf8 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 本脚本用于对源代码中的字符串进行解密 # 替换所有加密的char数组为字符串常量,"" import importlib import os import re import sys # 替换((char[]){1, 2, 3, 0})的形式为字符串,同时让每个数组值与0xAA异或进行解密 def replace(match): string = match.group(2) decodeConfusion_string = "" for numberStr in list(string.split(',')): if int(numberStr) != 0: decodeConfusion_string = decodeConfusion_string + "%c" % (int(numberStr) ^ 0xAA) # replaced_string = '\"' + "".join(["%c" % ((int(c) ^ 0xAA) if int(c) != 0 else '\0') for c in string.split(',')]) + '\"' replaced_string = '\"' + decodeConfusion_string + '\"' print("replaced_string = " + replaced_string) return match.group(1) + replaced_string + match.group(3) # 修改源代码,加入字符串加密的函数 def obfuscate(file): with open(file, 'r') as f: code = f.read() f.close() code = re.sub(r'(confusion_NSSTRING\(|confusion_CSTRING\()\(\(char \[\]\) \{(.*?)\}\)(\))', replace, code) code = re.sub(r'[/]*#define ggh_confusion', '//#define ggh_confusion', code) with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write(code) f.close() #读取源码路径下的所有.h和.m 文件 def openSrcFile(path): print("开始处理路径: "+ path +" 下的所有.h和.m文件") # this folder is custom for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(path): #case 1: # for dirname in dirnames: # print((" parent folder is:" + parent).encode('utf-8')) # print((" dirname is:" + dirname).encode('utf-8')) #case 2 for filename in filenames: extendedName = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(parent,filename)) #读取所有.h和.m 的源文件 if (extendedName[1] == '.h' or extendedName[1] == '.m'): print("处理代码文件:"+ os.path.join(parent,filename)) obfuscate(os.path.join(parent,filename)) #源码路径 srcPath = '../BMIFastDFS/Classes' if __name__ == '__main__': print("字符串解混淆脚本,将被标记过的char数组转为字符串,并和0xAA异或。还原代码") if len(srcPath) > 0: openSrcFile(srcPath) else: print("请输入正确的源代码路径!") sys.exit()